Friday, August 13, 2010

Big week

This has been such an a crazy week.

First, my dad took a terrible spill and broke his hip. Once his hip was repaired then they found that he had fluid on the brain, so back to surgery he went. Currently he is stable and and speaking a little. He still confused and will be in the hospital for few more weeks before he is moved to a nursing facility. It sucks that he is 3000 miles away living in Seattle WA. My older sister is making the trip out to take care of him.

Then I received my first speeding ticket EVER! All this time I thought my beige mini van was similar to Wonder Woman's invisible plane.... but thanks to officer dream of never being noticed by cops has been shattered.

The only saving grace this week was that Lacey the cardigan had her puppies...5 total. 3 boys & 2 girls ( sadly, one boy the went to the rainbow bridge). I have been plastered to puppy cam so much that dishes are piling & dust bunnies are blowing. I peeled myself away long enough to go to work today (I was able to sneak a peek on my lunch hour ). But here I am..back on the computer and the cam just a keystroke away. Watching newborn puppies is like meditating. Their little bodies randomly pulse in a dream state or watching them pull themselves around with their rubbery legs seeking out the heat of mum. I am trying to study the patterns of black and white flashes so I can see them as individuals. Its like nerdy science and heart melting cuteness all at the same time.


Katrin said...

I know what you mean. I saw your comment about the temp test. Here is a youtube link to the format I am using:

It is called the Positive Puppy Preview by Sheila Booth. If you search on my blog under the label Positive Puppy Preview there are 3 or 4 posts that describe it in detail.

I don't know about the live webcam but I do plan to video tape it and post the videos on my youtube acct when we are done.

teri said...

I checked out the video and read your blog on the test and as a behavior nerd, I am really interested in watching your tests on u tube. I have been aware of other puppy temp testing, but like that this one looks at behavior and not just scoring points. Thanks for all this great info!

Holly said...

Oh Teri,

What a week for you. I do hope your father has a speedy recovery and that hopefully your speeding ticket will get reduced.

I am very glad that the pups are the highlight. They are growing by the minute!