Monday, October 11, 2010

Day Dreaming about a farm

Yesterday we went to the state fair. The only reason I like to go is to see the farm animals...pigs, chickens, cows...I love them all. I always envied the 4-H kids who get to hang around the barns in lounge chairs with their carhartt work pants & boots earning ribbons chatting with the other 4-hers. Growing up in suburban Colorado Springs, my dad had the same dream of owning a working ranch. We moved to Colorado from NY when I was 7 years old in part because my dad had a love affair with the west. He wrote stories, poems about the west and spent his spare time dreaming about his cattle farm , which he was going to name the K-bar-T ranch.

My dad passed the dreamers torch to me and although I don't ever think I want a 'working' farm, I do think a small 'gentleman's' farm with chickens, ducks, turkeys a few sheep and maybe a pig would be nice.


Holly said...

We share your dream. A "gentleman farm", add in a couple of horses, would be heaven on earth.

Katrin said...

I am totally with you on this Teri! I so want a flock of chickens and a couple of Nubian goats. I grew up a 4-Her, but still didn't get those things, I was in a dog club ;-) Instead I drooled at every show we went to over the livestock barns.