After what seemed like the longest drive ever, we made it home on Saturday at about 6pm. Gimli and Liam spent the night with Jill and the Golden's giving Brees some time to settle into his new digs. The long day didn't slow down his need to play! He was a little fussy in his crate, but over all, he had a restful sleep. The big dogs came home Sunday, and although I wish they were a little more excited about his presence, they didn't hate him either. He is learning proper dog manners and respect. He was 'yelled' at when he bit Liams tail. He reacted with a big yelp and recovered quickly. He now knows not to bite the big dogs tail! Gimli has been softer and they have rubbed faces and lay together. I don't think it will be long before they start doing the corgi 'layering' during nap time.
This morning Brees went on his first walk with his brothers. He did well, and was understandably worried with going far from home. But chasing the big dogs was worth the worry. We have worked on the name game (he responds beautifully! Thanks Holly!), recalls, leash work and play, play play!
Today he will spend some time at home alone (well...not completely alone), as I venture off to Target to pick up a better baby gate (not sure why I wasted the money on the cheap one..takes me forever to snap it on the door frame, and it keeps falling) a few more puppy supplies and batteries for my camera.
So far, he has been a very easy puppy. I know I have already cursed myself by saying that out loud.
Teri~Thank you for posting to us & filling us in on the family!
Loved to know all the nephews are getting along & Brees is learning the order of authority with his brothers!
wondering on his Ears, was it a surgical procedure or just taping to get upright?
Is Brees getting along with the kitty...I am correct that you also have a kitty, aren't I? And so sorry to have 4gotten the name! as an auntie I am terrible ;/
Love you & Miss you more then you'll Ever Know!
<3 you
Hi Joycie! No surgery neded..just tape to help his ears take flight (usually in about a week). His siblings ears went up on their own, but sometimes they need help. :) Gimli had his ears taped too when he was a pup. Issac the cat pretty much cusses at us every moment he has for bringing another dog into the house. Age has made him grumpy!
Can't wait to meet the newest nephew! ...kym
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