Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh....My Aching Back!

This morning I took the dogs to this fantastic trail in North Yarmouth. It was hot...really hot, and the 3 of us needed a cool down. My good friend Jill showed me this trail a few weeks ago and as it goes, I did a lot of gabbing and not a lot of paying attention of where we were going. She led me to this off shoot trail into the woods that led to this beautiful pool of river water and waterfall. It looked like something out of a Tolkien book... simply breathtaking. I didn't find that trail...I took a different trail but it led to a similar looking spot on the river. I stripped my feet of sneakers and socks and dipped my feet into the water. The boys were tooling around in the cool water, and we were enjoying the quiet of nature. Then I had a brilliant idea of walking down the river on the rocks. Mossy covered rocks. I felt like a kid taking going on a rogue adventure (I did have my cellphone...just in case). As I was jocking from one rock to another it happened. In slow wet bare foot hit a slippery mossy rock. I flew up, and hit hard. I laid there for a minute staring at the trees above. I thought I broke my glasses. They were OK..just a little more crooked now than before. Everything else was fine too. I got up, shook off, and thought 'Wow.....I am doing alright. I hit the ground pretty hard but here I am ready to continue my hike. ' Fast forward 4 hours...I am in pain. Everything hurts and it SUCKS.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh goodness! Please take care of yourself! I am no stranger to back pain and I empathize...