Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So long can go now...

Is the month over yet??? This has been one of the busiest months on record. Last week was volunteer appreciation week and we celebrated at the shelter by offering goodies everyday. We had build your own ice cream sundae, pizza day, mardi gras day...etc. I also had classes to teach. It appears that spring not only brings out kittens, but its the time when people get puppies too. I am not complaining...I love teaching puppies! and I hope this is the beginning of more good things to come in the dog training world. Sunday I went to MA for the New England Federation of Humane Societies conference and Monday my dog Liam had a largish lump removed from his side. Yesterday I pulled double duty of working at the shelter and teaching at night.

So here I sit...on my day off still in my PJ's and the dogs snoozing on the bed, and my energy level is just depleted. Later on Gimli and I will make a hospital visit, and then maybe grocery shopping? The only thing I have to eat in my fridge is yogurt and soy milk. I am sooo looking forward to May. Liam and I start back in agility classes (yippee!) and Gimli and I are joining our Yankee Cardigan Club friends for a social and yearly meeting at the Vacationland dog show in Scarborough. I am attending another Noseworks workshop and then there is memorial weekend! BBQ's and beach walks! This year the hubby and I are doing a 'staycation' and plan on making the most of what Maine has to offer. I am also looking forward to hitting a few AKC shows with Gimli to work on rally and obedience titles.

So I say...get-a-steppin April...I am anticipating that May is going to be a way cooler month than you.

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