Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So long can go now...

Is the month over yet??? This has been one of the busiest months on record. Last week was volunteer appreciation week and we celebrated at the shelter by offering goodies everyday. We had build your own ice cream sundae, pizza day, mardi gras day...etc. I also had classes to teach. It appears that spring not only brings out kittens, but its the time when people get puppies too. I am not complaining...I love teaching puppies! and I hope this is the beginning of more good things to come in the dog training world. Sunday I went to MA for the New England Federation of Humane Societies conference and Monday my dog Liam had a largish lump removed from his side. Yesterday I pulled double duty of working at the shelter and teaching at night.

So here I sit...on my day off still in my PJ's and the dogs snoozing on the bed, and my energy level is just depleted. Later on Gimli and I will make a hospital visit, and then maybe grocery shopping? The only thing I have to eat in my fridge is yogurt and soy milk. I am sooo looking forward to May. Liam and I start back in agility classes (yippee!) and Gimli and I are joining our Yankee Cardigan Club friends for a social and yearly meeting at the Vacationland dog show in Scarborough. I am attending another Noseworks workshop and then there is memorial weekend! BBQ's and beach walks! This year the hubby and I are doing a 'staycation' and plan on making the most of what Maine has to offer. I am also looking forward to hitting a few AKC shows with Gimli to work on rally and obedience titles.

So I say...get-a-steppin April...I am anticipating that May is going to be a way cooler month than you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Really? Seriously?

There are times in life where we all have those SNL moments. Were you just run into a situation that is just so ridicules and sad that all you can do is laugh. I brought my dogs to one of our favorite beaches for a good ball tossing romp. As we were walking we came across this woman, her young daughter and a senior chocolate lab. The old dog slowly approached us, his tail wagging slowly looking somewhat indifferent. I approached him, and was going to give him a pat when I noticed something tied to his collar.
It took me a few seconds to figure out what it was....I recognized the shinny green anywhere. This strange woman tied a full bag of poop to her dogs collar. It was hanging just below this poor dogs chin swinging side to side. Really?...Seriously? I couldn't believe it! When I asked her about it...she laughed and said the dog had to carry his own poop. Really? Seriously? Is this walk supposed to be a punishment for the dog?
Just as the words of discontent were swimming around in my head, a lab puppy (about 12 weeks old) came running to greet this very wonderful and very patient dog, and saved my hide. The puppy jumped up and snagged the bag with a needle sharp canine tearing the green plastic and partially spilling its contents on the beach.
The woman gasped and ran over to untie the bag somewhat cursing the puppy. I watched as she collected the spilled poo retied the bag and then decided to carry it the rest of her walk down the beach. The old dog found a spring in his step and I am pretty sure he fully enjoyed the rest of his walk. Some days there is justice.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring is here! Get out there and enjoy it!

Almost every day the dogs I visit a favorite walking place. There are several that I rotate through from beaches to woods to open fields all within a 25 minute drive from my house. And still there are many places close to home I have not yet visited!

We are lucky to live in such a great state that not only offers dog friendly cities, but dog friendly parks and beaches. I forget how dog friendly Maine is until I talk to someone from away. My relatives from Long Island NY are always amazed that there are not only dog friendly parks, but that they are off leash.

Its important that us dog loving Mainers remember that we are blessed and to not take advantage of the great spaces that are offered to us. Please remember to carry poop bags (and use them!). Be courteous to others on the trails...remember that not everyone likes dogs(*gasp*), so learn trail etiquette and keep your dog close to when passing non dog people. Teach them to come when called and to greet people (especially children!) politely. Always carry cookies and/or toys with you and reward your dog for appropriate greetings. Don't let your dog harass wildlife. If your dog has a strong prey drive, then keep them on leash while in the woods.

Enjoy the great our great open spaces with your canine friend, but remember that we have to share this world with others!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Phantom Limb

Its been 2 days since Owen left. And not having him in my house is like a feeling for my phantom limb. I had no idea how much this would affect me until yesterday when I broke down at work and cried for 20 minutes. A rarity for me. I just don't cry at work...I save my tears for my couch in my dimly lit living room and a tub of frosting.
I spoke with my boss at the shelter about it, and apparently crying at the shelter is as normal as punching the time clock. I joked with her that this whole 'fostering thing' was the shelters way of hazing new employees. Which I believe is to be partly true.
But in all honesty, I hope Owen is doing well...I miss his little pain in the ass self.